Midway: The case of patenting activity in France 1791-1913
Youssouf Merouani
A survey.
Merouani, Y. & Perrin, F. (2022). “Gender and the Long-Run Development Process: A Survey of the Literature.” European Review of Economic History, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 612–641.
There has been a dispelling of myths about women
About how women worked in the past
About how much they earned
About how much they contributed to the economic prosperity of developed and developing economies.
many divisive debates, and unanswered questions
How does this project fit into the broader discussion?
Technology and science key in the industrialization process.
Still a research gap regarding women’s role in the process.
A long-run view of innovation in France during its industrialization.
The whole patenting activity during the century (1791-1913)
Geocoded industry data
Individual level data
How does this project fit into the broader discussion?
Technology and science key in the industrialization process.
Still a research gap regarding women’s role in the process.
A long-run view of innovation in France during it’s industrialization.
The whole patenting activity during the century (1791-1913)
Geocoded industry data
Individual level data
The first papers, use exclusively patent data.
Data collection and refinement
Data extension
Women Inventors. On the Origins of the Gender Patenting Gap. (Merouani, Y. & Perrin, F.)
Average degree evolution for male and female inventors
Career Length and Unique Connections by Starting Decade of the Patent Agents. Circle size indicates the total number of patents divided by the number of agents for that decade